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Spider Vein Removal in Murrieta, CA

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Spider Vein Removal in Murrieta CA

Spider veins. Aren’t spiders alone bad enough? Visible veins are just another sign of aging, and one that can be easily dealt with if you know where to go. Tired of veins popping up everywhere? Here’s the good news: you’re not the only one. Appearing as thin curvy lines, usually with a slightly bluish or purplish hue, “telangiectasia” or visible veins, are medically recognized. In most cases they don’t have any direct effect or impact on the health of the body. So, other than creeping up and causing an eyesore, they aren’t a warning for concern.

Signs of telangiectasia include spider veins, broken vessels and leg and facial lesions. Most prominent in the thigh and around the knee areas, they can appear in other areas as well. More common than you might imagine, affecting over 80% of women and a large percentage of men as well. But why bother if telangiectasia isn’t serious? You see, veins on the arms, legs and other areas of the body can severely limit fashion choices—and that’s never a good thing!

Additional Reading

People who are conscious of visible veins often choose not to wear anything that exposes those thin wavy lines. When the first priority in choosing what to wear is covering up ‘blemishes’ rather than flaunting your style, fashion choices can take hit. Blue’s aesthetic laser vein treatment uses a high-end laser to removes visible veins from skin so you can revive your inner fashionista! Our laser treatments are administered at our well-equipped facility, and performed by trained specialists with experience in operating laser equipment. If you’re conscious of noticeable veins, Blue has the answer. Our laser spider vein removal treatment is a modern solution that can reduce vein visibility on skin by up to 80%. Imagine being able to dress on your terms, without having to constantly feel conscious.

Schedule Your Aesthetic Consultation Today

Take control of your aesthetic journey and give yourself a beautiful future with a consultation at Lucali Aesthetics and Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Lulic and the Lucali team look forward to providing you a future that looks and feels beautiful. Schedule your consultation and see the Lucali difference for yourself.

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